About the Exhibit

Hostile Terrain 94 (HT94)

Hostile Terrain 94 is an exhibit created by the Undocumented Migration Project. It includes ~4,000 toe tags, each one representing a life lost crossing the Sonoran Desert between 1994 and the present day as a result of Prevention through Deterrence. Each toe tag is pinned to a wall in manner that represents their geolocation. To learn more, visit here.

An example of a completed exhibit

The Undocumented Migration Project (UMP)

The Undocumented Migration Project is a long-term anthropological analysis of migration on the southern boarder. It was created in 2009 by Jason de León, Professor of Anthropology at UCLA. It focuses on the increased smuggling practices to cross the border as a response to Prevention through Deterrence. UMP employs ethnographic, archaeological, forensic, and visual anthropology to understand the complicated process that is crossing the border. To learn more, visit here.

de León speaking to a group next to an installation of HT94

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